One Planner for All Your Needs

Banish your procrastination and elevate your productivity.

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Life can become very overwhelming. It can be debilitating when you have so much to do yet struggle with prioritizing what to get done first and in what time frame. As a manager, I often have many duties to accomplish. I am no stranger to the feeling of overwhelm. I would sit down at my desk to see all the emails I need to respond to or different tasks I need to do and instead of proactively going upon my duties I would more or less become paralyzed. There was so much on my plate and I was struggling to figure out what needed to be completed first and what could wait. This was until I started using the Clever Fox Planner Pro. This planner was a game changer and let me tell you why.  

Plan Monthly and Weekly

The Clever Fox Planner Pro is both a monthly and weekly planner. This allows you to utilize the monthly pages to put down deadlines, timelines, and notes and to use the weekly to break these tasks down into days to mark as you complete them. Filling out both is a foolproof way to make sure that all of your ducks are in a row and will result in nothing falling between the cracks.

Along with your ability to plan and execute accordingly, you will be able to write down your monthly goals. They break it down into multiple different categories for you to assist in the goal-setting process. This allows you to reflect on areas that you would like to see improvement in and gives you a way to track your progress.

One of my favorite things about this planner is the end-of-month review. This is where you write down how you felt about the month, if you achieved your goals, and allows you to fill in how you did in each category. 

Set Long Term Goals

Setting goals has a huge impact on your motivation. Often, I hear people say that they do not have any goals and I truly wonder how they get through their day-to-day lives. To have a healthy mindset you should be setting goals regularly. The Clever Fox Planner Pro has a section to fill out goals that are not only short-term but for the future. 

When I first received my Clever Fox Planner Pro I was excited to fill out my 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans. These are all categorized giving you the ability to set goals for multiple different areas in your life. While you may not accomplish every goal you set, it is important to stay in touch with what motivates you and allows you to reflect on yourself.

Track Your Progress

The Clever Fox Planner Pro is an invaluable tool for not only handling your workload but also for working towards a better life. Comparing your monthly reviews is a great way to see your progress and/or can show you where you need to be working harder. Referring back to your yearly goals can motivate you and help you set realistic goals as well as give you the ability to track how you are doing.

Stop Stressing and Take Back Control of Your Life

I was so happy when my sister gifted this planner to me for Christmas and I can honestly say I have not found a planner that not only assists in my work life but also my personal life. Stop letting yourself feel overwhelmed and stressed and start pursuing a better life. The Clever Fox Planner Pro was a game-changer for me, and I hope it will be the same for you.